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Elements of a Brand

"Branding is what people say about you when you leave the room."

When people inquire about becoming a Gospel PR publicity client, the first thing I check is their branding. Before a publicist can pitch you to media, you need to have your brand right and tight. Here are some essential elements of a brand that I believe can assist anyone with developing or tightening a brand.

1. Understanding your WHY - Having a solid understanding of why you're doing what you're doing is key and will help your brand remain sustainable.

2. Choosing a great name - "A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold," Proverbs 22:1 says. While this is more about your reputation rather than choosing a brand name, I think both are relevant here. A good name leaves a lasting impression and helps people associate you with particular qualities or attributes. Choose wisely.

3. Delivering on your promise - Great brands do what they say they will do. Developing a solid mission statement is an essential element that will set the tone for your brand. Here is a great link to assist with developing mission statements

3. Tagline - Taglines are tough to develop alone, but when you've done strategic brainstorming, they'll come. Sometimes they come before the business name. Spend some time on it, run it by people, and connect with a creative agency for help if you need it. These taglines are named the Top 100. Take a look!

4. Logo & Imagery - Every great brand needs a unique identity. There are many cookie-cutter design your own logo options out there, but if you want to avoid the rapid need for a rebrand, it's best to hire a graphic designer to help you stand out.

5. Elevator Pitch - Think Shark Tank. Can you pitch your brand in 1-2 minutes?

6. Talking Points - These are key points to cover in every conversation and especially media interviews. Develop them based on your mission and vision.

7. Monetization - Last but not least, how will your brand make money? This separates hobbies from businesses. Building a brand takes TIME. Invest 10,000 hours into your brand and I bet you'll see incredible results.

The one constant in life is change. The good news is, as you evolve and as your company evolves, you can update your brand. Re-branding is a taxing process, so if you do the groundwork early and get it right the first time, you can develop a sustainable brand that will outlast you. Ask about our branding services here.


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